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Influential and Good St. Patrick’s Day: A Day for Good Works
St Patrick’s Day brings thought of good times, wearing of green, drinking green beer, Irish songs, and Irish and Green food. Many people go to Irish Pubs, or just wear a green shirt on this day. But is St Patrick’s Day something more than that – or should it be more than that?
St Patrick’s Day: Patrick was a Doer of Good Deeds
Saint Patrick is said to have driven the snakes out of Ireland. People take this as a geographical question – that there were all these snakes all over Ireland. For me this is more of an allegory – meaning that the snakes were actually the druid, pagan, and barbarian tribes of Ireland. I think that the argument can be made that tribal leaders of Ireland of the time were the real snakes and that they were primitive in their civilization. These were the snakes that Patrick drove out of Ireland – and he make the country more hospitable and advanced.
Just think of how many St Patrick figures we’d need today to solve our current world’s problems. So many countries are still in the stone age, and we need multitudes of Patrick’s just to fix things. Human history is funny where it stagnates and leaders like Patrick have to come and advance the society. Just like the early explorers of America – they tried to Christianize the Americas and lead it to a more advanced society. Societies just seem to stagnate without a leader like Patrick.
Saint Patrick also did a good deal to help the literacy of the Irish people – it is said that he taught the Irish to read and write and helped them to build places like libraries.
Saint Patrick was a civilizing force and through Christianity he developed and made Ireland a more civilized place. Ireland had been overrun by barbarians and pagans for so long – they were not civilized at all and practiced barbarianism and inappropriate ancient Celtic traditions.
Not only is Saint Patrick the patron saint of Ireland, but he is also the saint of Engineers. Patrick brought Roman engineering to the Irish people. Patrick received a Roman education and new advanced Roman engineering concepts. Patrick helped the Irish construct early clay churches in the 5th century. Patrick taught the Irish to build arches using lime mortar instead of masonry. Patrick made ceramics that helped lead to the beginning of organized arts and crafts.
Bottom line, Patrick was a doer of good deeds and brought good advancements to the Irish people and this had an impact on human history.
Doing Good to Others on St Patrick’s Day
Patrick was surely following the bible when he performed his great many good deeds to the Irish people. The Bible says:
“And too yourself must be an example to them by doing good works of every kind…” Titus 2:7
“Who is wise and understanding among you? Let them show it by their good life, by deeds done in humility that comes from wisdom.” James 3:13
Patrick is a excellent role model for good deeds to neighbors and neighboring civilizations. Sometimes it can be hard for use to do good deeds to our local community and surrounding neighbors, but it can make a better community for us all. Though our societies are maybe not as Christian as they used to be – we can still make a difference through Patrick’s examples all around us!
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St. Patrick’s Miraculous Life Journey – Guideposts
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